'The next time you’re tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead. It will extend your life and make the lives of all those around you more enjoyable. ... The way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life. ... As we look for humor, seek for the eternal perspective, understand the principle of compensation, and draw near to our Heavenly Father, we can endure hardship and trial. We can say, as did my mother, “Come what may, and love it.”'

-Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Come What May, and Love It,” Ensign, Nov 2008, 26–28

Monday, January 24, 2011

What's that?!

My 4 year old daughter saw my belly and said:

"Mom it looks like your belly is cracking open" 


Thank you stretch marks!


1 comment:

  1. Don't you love how honest they are? Mine is cracking open too. :)
